Pamper Your Curly Hair with These Essential Oils
Being blessed with curly hair is something every woman dreams of. They feel lucky if they have this amazing texture and style of the hair. However, some are there too who feel curls are a mess that needs frequent care. Taking care of this treasure might seem daunting but you can count on natural hair care products for an easy way out. Extracted from the different parts of different plants, like bark, leaves, flower, etc., essential oils are used in homemade shampoos for keeping hair shiny and thick.
But selecting the right one can be neck-wrecking. Worry no more! We have listed below some of the best available out there to help you pamper your curly hair.
Offering multiple health benefits, including relaxation and anti-bacterial properties, rosemary is one of the most popular aromatherapy oils. Apart from that, you can also use it for taking care of different types of hair. It can aid type 3b or 3a curly hair incredibly and keep their natural shine and health intact.
Tea tree is a powerful remedy for dandruff and the biggest allies for a healthy scalp. It locks the tight and firm texture of the hair and smells fresh. This essential oil promotes the production of keratin in the hair follicle, which is a must-have solution for 3c or 2c curl types.
This specific essence is perfect for sensitive scalp and itchy skin. So, if you have both sensitive scalp and curls, you can use this oil to grow each of your strands long. It keeps bacteria away and promotes a healthy Ph.
Lavender repairs hair cuticles and improves their overall strength. Besides, it leaves a fantastic scent behind, helping you smell like a bed of flowers. This amazing fragrance will also give you the needed peace and balance for your daily activities.
Sandalwood is an oriental delight that helps balance the scalp and keep the blood flowing. You can even take care of your curl extensions with clips and keep them shiny and smelling amazing using a DIY shampoo with sandalwood essence in it.
This essential promotes thick hair growth and immense peace of mind. It also leaves behind a fresh, floral, and delectable fragrance, which you would love to carry around.
Again, to boost your blood flow and overall energy level in minutes, use this vibrant and energizing natural alternative. It promotes healthy hair growth and reduces dandruff by adding in hair conditioners.
This feminine scent and essential smells like a goddess. It has great use in reducing any build-up and debris from your scalp and improving the health of your curls. It is a delicate scent that will quickly become your favorite perfume.
Well-known for its hydrating and moisturizing properties, Palmarosa is another fresh ally against curly hair problems. You will love this natural extract for its scalp healing properties. Put a few drops of this essence in your hair care product and use it regularly.
People with curls often feel tired of battling sensitive and itchy scalps. But Neroli is their way to go. It is more than just an amigo of their hair. It really improves the quality of their scalp and the appearance of their curls. Moreover, it has been in use for a long time to treat allergic and sensitive skin. Last but not the least, its natural and wonderful scent fills each strand with energy and happiness.
Not just for skin or physical fitness, essential oils are also used for curly hair care routines. They aid the beauty of women and will continue to stay by their side forever. Choose the right one at Young Living and just add a few droplets in your shampoo, hair conditioner, or leave-in hair treatment before using them.